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American Mineralogist: International Journal of Earth and Planetary Materials Research

Volume 101, 2016
Nepheline structural and chemical dependence on melt composition
José Marcial, Jarrod Crum, Owen Neill, and John McCloy
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Volume 100, 2015
Solubility and solution mechanisms of chlorine and fluorine in aluminosilicate melts at high pressure and high temperature
Celia Dalou, Charles Le Losq, Bjorn O. Mysen and George D. Cody
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The effect of the [Na/(Na+K)] ratio on Fe speciation in phonolitic glasses
Maria Rita Cicconi, Gabriele Giuli, Werner Ertel-Ingrisch, Eleonora Paris and Donald B. Dingwell
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Competition between two redox states in silicate melts: An in-situ experiment at the Fe K-edge and Eu L3-edge
Maria Rita Cicconi, Daniel R. Neuville, Isabelle Tannou, François Baudelet, Paul Floury, Eleonora Paris and Gabriele Giuli
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The effect of H2O on F and Cl solubility and solution mechanisms of in aluminosilicate melts at high pressure and high temperature
Celia Dalou and Bjorn O. Mysen
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Volume 99, 2014
The nearly complete dissociation of water in glasses with strong aluminum avoidance
Wim J. Malfait
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Speciation of and D/H partitioning between fluids and melts in silicate-D-O-H-C-N systems determined in-situ at upper mantle temperatures, pressures, and redox conditions
Bjorn O. Mysen, Tokio Tomita, Eiji Ohtani and Akio Suzuki
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Effects of chemical composition and temperature on transport properties of silica-rich glasses and melts
Anne M. Hofmeister, Alan G. Whittington, Jonas Goldsand and Reinhardt G. Criss
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Volume 98, 2013
North American microtektites are more oxidized than tektites
Gabriele Giuli, Maria Rita Cicconi, Sigrid Griet Eeckhout, Christian Koeberl, Billy P. Glass, Giovanni Pratesi, Mariangela Cestelli-Guidi and Eleonora Paris
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Analysis of H2O in silicate glass using attenuated total reflectance (ATR) micro-FTIR spectroscopy
Jacob B. Lowenstern and Bradley W. Pitcher
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Acceleration and inhibition effects of phosphate on phase transformation of amorphous calcium carbonate into vaterite
Yuki Sugiura, Kazuo Onuma, Yuki Kimura, Katsuo Tsukamoto, and Atsushi Yamazaki
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Volume 97, 2012
First-principles study of self-diffusion and viscous flow in diopside (CaMgSi2O6) liquid
Ashok K. Verma and Bijaya B. Karki
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High-pressure and high-temperature titanium solution mechanisms in silicate-saturated aqueous fluids and hydrous silicate melts
Bjorn Mysen
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Determination of water content in silicate glasses using Raman spectrometry: Implications for the study of explosive volcanism
Charles Le Losq, Daniel R. Neuville, Roberto Moretti, and Jacques Roux
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Effect of alkalis on the Fe oxidation state and local environment in peralkaline rhyolitic glasses
Gabriele Giuli, Roberto Alonso-Mori, Maria Rita Cicconi, Eleonora Paris, Pieter Glatzel, Sigrid Griet Eeckhout, and Bruno Scaillet
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Water and the compressibility of silicate glasses: A Brillouin spectroscopic study
Alan G. Whittington, Pascal Richet, and Alain Polian
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Volume 96, 2011
An experimental study of phosphorous and aluminosilicate speciation in and partitioning between aqueous fluids and silicate melts determined in-situ at high temperature and pressure
Bjørn O. Mysen
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Compositional dependent compressibility of dissolved water in silicate glasses
Wim J. Malfait, Carmen Sanchez-Valle, Paola Ardia, Etienne Médard, and Philippe Lerch
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Volume 95, 2010
The structure of crystals, glasses, and melts along the CaO-Al2O3 join: Results from Raman, Al L- and K-edge X-ray absorption, and 27Al NMR spectroscopy
Daniel R. Neuville, Grant S. Henderson, Laurent Cormier, and Dominique Massiot
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Arsenic enrichment in hydrous peraluminous melts: Insights from femtosecond laser ablationinductively coupled plasma-quadrupole mass spectrometry, and in situ X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy
Anastassia Y. Borisova, Gleb S. Pokrovski, Michel Pichavant, Rémi Freydier, and Frédéric Candaudap
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Volume 94, 2009
The viscosity of hydrous NaAlSi3O8 and granitic melts: Configurational entropy models
Alan G. Whittington, M. Ali Bouhifd, and Pascal Richet
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Volume 93, 2008
Solubility and solution mechanisms of NOH volatiles in silicate melts at high pressure and temperature—amine groups and hydrogen fugacity
Bjorn O. Mysen, Shigeru Yamashita, and Nadezda Chertkova
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Quantification of the kinetics of iron oxidation in silicate melts using Raman spectroscopy and assessment of the role of oxygen diffusion
Mathieu Roskosz, Michael J. Toplis, Daniel R. Neuville, and Bjorn O. Mysen
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Constrained interactions, rigidity, adaptative networks, and their role for the description of silicates
Matthieu Micoulaut
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Structure of Mg- and Mg/Ca aluminosilicate glasses: 27Al NMR and Raman spectroscopy investigations
Daniel R. Neuville, Laurent Cormier, Valérie Montouillout, Pierre Florian, Francis Millot, Jean-Claude Rifflet, and Dominique Massiot
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Quantitative Raman spectroscopy: Speciation of Na-silicate glasses and melts
Wim J. Malfait, Valentina P. Zakaznova-Herzog, and Werner E. Halter
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Oxidation state of iron in hydrous phono-tephritic melts
Jan A. Schuessler, Roman E. Botcharnikov, Harald Behrens, Valeria Misiti, and Carmela Freda
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Atomic structure and transport properties of MgO-Al2O3 melts: A molecular dynamics simulation study
Sandro Jahn
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Preface to the amorphous materials special section
Grant S. Henderson and Daniel R. Neuville
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Environments around Al, Si, and Ca in aluminate and aluminosilicate melts by X-ray absorption spectroscopy at high temperature
D.R. Neuville, L. Cormier, D. de Ligny, J. Roux, A-M. Flank, and P. Lagarde
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