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Information about American Mineralogist

American Mineralogist is the official publication of the Mineralogical Society of America (MSA), and publishes the results of original scientific research in the general fields of mineralogy, crystallography, petrology, and geochemistry. All manuscripts undergo peer review. Final decisions are made by the Editors, who are assisted by a Board of Associate Editors and qualified reviewers. MSA disclaims all responsibility for accuracy of the content of the reports published herein. Opinions expressed are strictly those of the authors.

Editorial correspondence should be sent to Don Baker and/or Hongwu Xu, Editors, American Mineralogist, 3635 Concorde Pkwy Ste 500, Chantilly, VA 20151-1110, U.S.A. (703/652-9955). Information for authors is published on the inside back cover and online. Submit manuscripts via our online submission site and find our complete journal information including emails at

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Annual Dues with journal for the Mineralogical Society of America are $175.00 U.S./$180 non-U.S.; students $110.00 U.S./$120.00 non-U.S. The print and electronic annual institutional subscription price for domestic addresses is $975.00; other countries $1000.00; electronic only $900.00. Individual articles after 1999 for sale at MSA is a nonprofit (501(c)3) member organization.

American Mineralogist (ISSN 0003-004X) is published 8 times a year. 2014 will mail in January (no. 1), February (no. 2 and 3), April (no. 4), May (no. 5 and 6), July (no. 7), August (no. 8 and 9), October (no. 10), and November (no. 11 and 12). Periodicals postage is paid at Fairfax, Virginia, and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to American Mineralogist, 3635 Concorde Pkwy Ste 500, Chantilly, VA 20151-1110, U.S.A. (703/652-9950). Claims for missing issues will not be honored when caused by insufficient notice of address change, loss in mail unless claimed within 90 days for U.S.A. and 150 days for other countries from last day of month of publication, or such reasons as “missing from files.” Send claims and correspondence to the Business Office.

Volumes 1–95 can be ordered from Periodicals Service Company, 11 Main Street, Germantown, NY 12526 (518/537-4700, Fax: 518/537-5899); ask for the current price list. Single issues and complete volumes for 2011–2013 (vol. 96–98) are available in limited quantities from the MSA Business Office.

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  • Copyright © 2014 by the Mineralogical Society of America
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