Deposit Items for Volume 88, No. 11-12, Part 1 and Part 2, November-December, 2003
Jeffrey E. Post, Peter J. Heaney, Christopher L. Cahill, and Larry W. Finger
Woodruffite: A new Mn oxide structure with 3x4 tunnels 1697
Item #AM-03-041
Table 5. Anisotropic displacement parameters
Post_p1697_03_Table5.doc Microsoft Word document (24 K)
Table 6. Observed and calculated structure factors for woodruffite
Post_p1697_03_Table6.doc Microsoft Word document (52 K)
Hiromi Konishi, Thomas L. Groy, István Dódony, Ritsuro Miyawaki, Satoshi Matsubara, and Peter R. Buseck
Crystal structure of protoanthophyllite: A new mineral from the Takase ultramafic complex, Japan 1718
Item #AM-03-042
Table 7. Observed and calculated structure factors
Konishi_p1718_03.FCF SHELXL97 FCF data file (72 K)
Paola Bonazzi, Luca Bindi, Valentina Popova, Giovanni Pratesi, and Silvio Menchetti
Alacranite, As8S9: structural study of the holotype and re-assignment of the original chemical formula 1796
Item #AM-03-044
Table 3. List of observed and calculated structure factors for the alacranite from the type locality
Bonazzi_p1796_03_table3.doc Microsoft Word document (188 K)
David L. Bish, David T. Vaniman, Steve J. Chipera, and J. William Carey
The distribution of zeolites and their effects on the performance of a nuclear waste repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada, U.S.A. 1889
Item #AM-03-040
Table 1. Quantitative X-ray powder diffraction analyses of drill hole samples from Yucca Mountain, NV
Bish_p1889_03_Table1.doc Microsoft Word document (2.5 MB)
Figures 6, 7, 8, 9. Color Figures of Zeolite Distribution at Yucca Mountain, NV
Bish_p1889_03_Figs.pdf PDF (148 K)